Monday, June 23, 2008

back from West Virginia

Liz and I made it back from West Virginia. I read a lot of the way and that was perfect for me. I think that reading so much in the car helped me be a little more productive today since I got it all out of my system.

Liz and went out for coffee at 8:00pm. We were having a good time and getting work done (a rarity in itself) but then the shop closed at 9:00pm. I don't blame them. I don't think they sold more than two cups of coffee after we got there. It's weird that in Holland JP's and Lemonjellos can be so busy all the time, but Cafe Royal has so little business during the summer that they save money by closing up shop so early. Clearly the residents of West Lafayette need to get with the program and support their local coffee shops.

I emailed the mayor toady asking for a sidewalk. I gave him eight reasons for why we need one. The most important was that it is dangerous not having one. I have serious doubts of him actually reading my email though. I plan on mailing a copy if I don't get a return email sometime this week.

and a picture of me doing research a long long time ago

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