Monday, July 7, 2008

Farmer Nate

If I didn't like school so much (yeah right) I'd move to Decatur and be a farmer. I had a good time this weekend helping Liz's grandparents out around the yard. I hope that they have a big crop of beans by Thanksgiving. I didn't like them (the beans not the grandparents) the first few times, but now they suit me fine. Grandpa Jim let me borrow a hat so that I would look more like a farmer. You'll have to see Liz's blog for all the pictures though.

We saw a bunch of dear when we were driving around at dusk on the 4th, so that was fun. There is a fancy electric fence at the garden to help remind the deer to stay out. They can roam about the rest of the country if they please, just not in the garden.

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