Friday, June 27, 2008

Response from the city

I was going to scan the letter, but didn't have time so here is a typed version for your viewing pleasure. I'm happy that they got back to me although saying that it will be a priority in the years to come is a little bit like tell a person who wants a job that you would love to hire them if they are willing to wait 4 or 5 years. In the mean time just try not to starve to get hit by some whacko semi.

"Dear Mr. DeYoung:

Thank you for your recent email regarding pedestrian saftey and connectivity along the west side of Northwestern Avenue between Lindberg R.d. and Neil Armstrong Dr. As you may be awate, this street is also US231 which is under the jurisdiction of the Indiana Department of Transportaion (INDOT)

INDOT is currently planning to construct a new road corridor for US231 to the west of the City. Once this project is constructed, the City will be given control of Northwestern Avenenue. In preparation for this, we have identified the need for a trail connection along the west side of Northwestern Ave., between the existing trail at the NW corner of the Lindberg/Northwestern intersectoin and the Wal-Mart Superstore shopping center.

I realize construction of out trail connection may be several years away, and the need for the pedestrian and bicycle facilities exists today. We are working to prioritize funding for this project so that we may build it as soon as it is under our authority. We are also working closely with INDOT to improve pedestrian safety along this important corridor.

Thanks again for you inquiry, and please feel free to contact me if you hae any further questions or comments.

David B.
City Engineer"

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